Reality of Ihyaa Turaath

29ld24z.jpgImaam Muqbil Bin Haadee (rahimahullaah) On Ihyaa Turaath:

‘As for Shaikh Al Albaanee, he freed himself from them long ago and Shaikh Bin Baaz disapproved of them in some affairs.  The hizbiyyoon are deceivers; they approach the virtuous mashaa-yikh of ahlus sunnah , from those who trust them and say: ‘O Shaikh! Indeed a lot of good has been actualized through us, indeed we went to Africa’; when in reality they went to split the unity of the Muslims…..’we went to Pakistan and to such and such, so the Shaikh believes (that).  And indeed he (Shaikh Bin Baaz) has refuted Abdur -Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq and I am sure that if their [ihyaa turaath’s] affair becomes clear to him, he will free himself from them’ . [Siyaanatus Salafi: page:619-620]

Imaam Albaani (rahimahullaah) said about Ihyaa Turaath: They do not give importance to what is called Tasfiyah Wat-Tarbiyyah [Purification and Cultivation]; their concern is politics, position, elections, parliament and what is similar to that.’ [Siyaanatus Salafi:

Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) said about Ihyaa Turaath: ‘And due to this, hatred has occurred from them towards the carriers of the Sunnah and the salafi methodology. And they set up those who present their mistakes (i.e. those mistakes of the people of sunnah) which have neither been criticized by a Sunni nor by a person of innovation from amongst those who ascribe themselves to Islaam.  They present these mistakes as mighty affairs of blunder and destruction, rather they make the virtues and merits of ahlus sunnah to be repugnant and disdainful in addition to much fabrication and accusation…… [Bayaan Fasaadul Miyaar–Hiwaar Ma-a Hizbi Mutasattir: page: 5-6]


Posted on August 20, 2013, in Deviant Groups, Q/A Session (Question & Answer) and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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