Houthis Threaten the President and Whoever is in Agreement with him

Day 87:

darul-hadith-dammajThe houthis refused to sign a cease-fire agreement from the government. Sheikh Yahyaa has already consented and signed it. The President stated that he will enter the Yemeni military forces to resolve this conflict. The houthis respond by threatening the President with a war that will make him and his associates shed tears. Also the houthis are using a government military plane to transport their injured to San’aa. They are currently fighting wars in Dammaaj, Hashid and Jawf (another province in Sa’dah) all at one time. Link to article in Arabic

Today the committee came and brought a truck load of food and medicine. In the process of the delivery one student was martyred by houthi sniper fire, which in turn forced members of the committee to take cover in a trench. The houthis pursued the delivery truck with mortar shells

Also today the houthis continued their heretical act of shelling the Masjid and its surrounding areas during the prayer after the khutbahtul Jum’ah.

At this time it is 9:30pm here there is a lot of very loud speeches going on. Sometimes the Mashaayikh or some of the students give talks over a loudspeaker. Usualy every night the houthis give their talks and play their music during the late hours of the night to the early hours of the morning. Almost like a radio program. Also this night the houthis are randomly shelling, firing the machine guns and firing the 37mm anti-aircraft gun.

Posted on January 4, 2014, in Dammaj, Exclusive and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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